Opening Reception
Eric Wolske is an artist who uses oil paint and a variety of pigment-based drawing and calligraphy inks on paper and canvas to explore written language and handwriting. Wolske takes his inspiration from cryptography, asemic writing, calligraphy, graffiti and code. The layering and juxtaposition of his wordless constructions create new combinations and residues of written abstractions. With an eye toward new technologies such as cryptocurrency and the flow of information across the globe, Wolske finds digital innovation and evolution of particular relevance to his work.
“I see handwriting as the beginning of the Information Age. Some of the drawings presented here are pure physical acts of the mark, or a gesture covered, a palimpsest. Some engage ideas of handwriting and its relation to code and/or cryptography. The titles are a integral part of the information conveyed, sometimes as a afterthought, but very much appropriate for each image. That being said, the drawings still remain both intimate and mysterious for me.”
Born in Ohio and based in Sonoma County, Wolske attended Yale Summer School of Art and Music and received his BFA from Indiana University and MFA from Hunter College in New York City.